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MEAT PIE: Rhyming slang for try in NZ and Aussie.
THE PILL: A nickname for the ball.
LOOSIE: A loose forward, who plays at the back of the scrum.
HOOF IT: To punt, or kick the ball for distance downfield.
ON THE TROT: Translates to games in a row. Example: 'Crusaders won three on the trot!'.
HEAVE: A call of encouragement from the stands during a scrum.
SIR: How the ref is addressed by the players.
TOUCH LINE: The lines of each side of the playing area. If the ball, or a player with the ball, touches or crosses the line it is off-side!
GRASSCUTTER: A grass cutter is a low tackle made by a defending player around the boot laces of the attacking player.
THE 'PACK': The ‘Pack' refers to all the forwards as a collective unit.
BOMB: A ‘bomb' is a huge kick up into the air which tests the aerial game of the defending team.
DUMMY: A ‘dummy’ is when a player makes the motion that they're going to the pass the ball but they don't actually let go of it.
GOOSIE: A ‘goosie’ is a variation of a side step to avoid players.
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